1003 Bishop Street Suite 2700
Honolulu, HI 96813
United States
(808) 427-5711
June 20, 2024
Velocity of Money, LLC, doing business as Stakeholder Enterprise (“Stakeholder Enterprise”) is a registered investment adviser. An "investment adviser" means any person who, for compensation, engages in the business of advising others, either directly or through publications or writings, as to the value of securities or as to the advisability of investing in, purchasing, or selling securities, or who, for compensation and as part of a regular business, issues or promulgates analyses or reports concerning securities. Registration with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) or any state securities authority does not imply a certain level of skill or training.
This brochure provides information about the qualifications and business practices of Stakeholder Enterprise. If you have any questions about the contents of this brochure, please contact us at (808) 427-5711. The information in this brochure has not been approved or verified by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission or by any state securities authority.
Additional information about Stakeholder Enterprise CRD# 317736 is also available via the SEC’s web site: www.adviserinfo.sec.gov.
Material Changes
Material changes from our last brochure dated May 10, 2023 are as follows:
Item 4 - Disclosing that Stakeholder Enterprise along with its Associated Persons does not accept or receive commissions from the sale of insurance or real estate and does not accept or receive fees or other compensation from the sale of securities or other products or services recommended in the financial plan or otherwise has a conflict of interest.
Item 4 - Clients are under no obligation to act on the investment adviser's or associated person's recommendation.
Item 4 - If a client elects to act on any of the recommendations, the client is under no obligation to effect the transaction through the investment adviser or the associated person when such person is employed as an agent with a licensed broker-dealer or is licensed as a broker-dealer or through any associate or affiliate of such person.
Item 5 - The fee for the On-Demand Income Plan went from $150 to $199.
Item 5 - All financial plan services are flat fees.
Item 5 - Financial plan services are available after purchase of the Enhanced On Demand Income Plan.
Item 5 - Lower fees for comparable services may be available from other sources.
Item 5 - Acceptable forms of payment are with credit card and through PayPal only at
this time. Clients’ credit card information is not kept on file by Stakeholder Enterprise but by a third-party payment processor.
Item 5 - Clarified that fees are paid up-front and are non-negotiable including monthly fees for the Retail Monitoring Service and The Absolute Monitoring Services.
Item 5 - In the event the client terminates a monitoring service prior to the 10th day of the month, that month’s fee will be refunded in full. In the event the client terminates a monitoring service after the 10th day of the month, the client agrees to remain in the agreement for the remainder of that month. Monitoring occurs on a periodic basis not a continual one.
Item 5 - Disclosing that Stakeholder Enterprise and its Associated Persons do not accept compensation for the sale of securities or other investment products.
Item 8 - Stakeholder Enterprise does not manage assets and removed any language that states otherwise.
Item 9 - Disclosing that Stakeholder Enterprise nor its Associated Persons have been involved in any criminal or civil action, an administrative proceeding, or a self-regulatory organization (SRO) proceeding.
Item 10 - Disclosing that neither Stakeholder Enterprise, nor any Associated Persons are registered, or have an application pending to register as a securities broker-dealer or a registered representative of a broker-dealer, or a futures commission merchant, commodity pool operator or commodity trading advisor.
Item 10 - Disclosing that Neither Stakeholder Enterprise nor Associated Persons recommend or select other investment advisers for clients.
Item 11 - Disclosing that Stakeholder Enterprise does not own or purchase securities.
The Company and Associated Persons does not participate in the purchase or sale of client securities nor will we recommend any broker-dealers to execute client trades.
Associated Persons or persons related to them may invest in securities offered under Regulation A and/or Regulation Crowdfunding. These investments may create a conflict of interest if an Associated Person recommends such a security to a client where the Associated Person or a person related to them has a material financial interest in the same security.
To address this potential conflict, we will disclose any financial interest an Associated Person or a person related to them has in a recommended Regulation A or Regulation Crowdfunding security. This disclosure will be made to the client upon the recommendation in writing via the email address last provided by the client.
All material and potential material conflicts of interest have been disclosed in this brochure.
Item 12 - Amended that Stakeholder Enterprise will not offer recommendations of unaffiliated third-party brokers and will not assist clients with opening custodial accounts and conducting trades and language stating otherwise has been removed.
Item 12 - Disclosing that Stakeholder Enterprise does not recommend broker-dealers and does not have any arrangement with other broker-dealers or third parties to receive referrals from them.
Item 12 - Disclosing that Stakeholder Enterprise has a Business Continuity Plan in place.
Item 13 - Amending that Stakeholder Enterprise does not send quarterly reports to clients on any monitoring plan and language stating otherwise has been removed.
Item 14 - Clarifying that Stakeholder Enterprise and its Associated Persons does not receive compensation for referring clients to other professionals.
Item 19 - Amended employment history of Velocity of Money, LLC to 11/2021 - present. Clarifying that Paul Lovejoy or any other management person have not been involved in an arbitration claim, civil proceeding, self-regulatory organization proceeding, or administrative proceeding.
We will review and update our brochure, as needed and at least annually, to make sure that it remains current. If you would like to receive a complete copy of our current brochure free of charge at any time, please contact us at (808) 427-5711 or at paul.lovejoy@stakeholderenterprise.com
Table of Contents
Item 1 – Title Page
Item 2 – Material Changes
Item 3 – Table of Contents
Item 4 – Advisory Business
Item 5 – Fees and Compensation
Item 6 – Performance Based Fees and Side-By-Side Management
Item 7 – Types of Clients
Item 8 – Methods of Analysis, Investment Strategies and Risk of Loss
Item 9 – Disciplinary Information
Item 10 – Other Financial Industry Activities and Affiliations
Item 11 – Code of Ethics, Participation or Interest in Client Transactions and Personal Trading
Item 12 – Brokerage Practices
Item 13 – Review of Accounts
Item 14 – Client Referrals and Other Compensation
Item 15 – Custody
Item 16 – Investment Discretion
Item 17 – Voting Client Securities
Item 18 – Financial Information
Item 19 – Requirements for State-Registered Advisors
Other - Privacy Policy
Form ADV Part 2B - Individual Disclosure Brochure
Item 4. Advisory Business
Velocity of Money, LLC doing business as Stakeholder Enterprise is a registered investment adviser based in Honolulu, HI. We are a limited liability company formed under the laws of the State of Hawaii. We have been providing investment advisory services since 2022. Paul G Lovejoy, Member, President, and Chief Compliance Officer, is the sole owner of Stakeholder Enterprise.
As used in this brochure, the term “Associated Person” refers to anyone from our firm who is an officer, an employee, and all individuals providing investment advice on behalf of our firm. Where required, such persons are properly registered as investment adviser representatives (IARs).
Currently, we offer the following investment advisory services, personalized for each individual client.
Financial Planning Services
Investment Monitoring and Consulting Services
Financial Planning
We offer broad-based and structured financial planning services. Financial planning will typically involve providing a variety of advisory services to clients regarding the management of their financial resources based upon an analysis of their individual needs. We will meet with you to gather information about your financial circumstances and objectives to determine which plan(s) are suitable for you. All financial plans include cash flow analysis and our on demand income strategy.
Cash Flow Analysis - Assessment of a client’s present financial situation by collecting information regarding net worth and cash flow statements, tax returns, insurance policies, investment portfolios, qualified retirement plans, employee benefit statements etc. We advise on ways to reduce risk, coordinate, and organize records, and estate information.
On Demand Income Strategy - Upon completion of cash flow analysis, clients will be advised on using leftover cash flow to invest in investment vehicles producing monthly cash flow. We will advise on how to purchase investments and how to establish accounts through our recommended third party platforms. Clients will learn how and when to reinvest or disburse monthly investment cash flow depending on clients current financial situation.
In addition we also offer:
Retirement Analysis - Identification of a client’s long-term financial and personal goals and objectives includes advice for accumulating wealth for retirement income or appropriate distribution of assets following retirement. Tax consequences and implications are identified and evaluated.
Education Savings Analysis - Alternatives and strategies with respect to the complete or partial funding of college or other post-secondary education. Tax consequences and implications are identified and evaluated.
Large Purchase Analysis - Short or mid term savings strategies for the purpose of purchasing a product or service of significant cost.
Income Property Analysis - We provide recommendations to online income property marketplaces to engage in the purchasing or selling of income property. With an emphasis on affordable and single-family section 8 housing. Analysis of individual income properties and advice on retaining third party real estate sales, lending and management professionals.
Angel Investment Analysis - On more than an occasional basis, we provide clients in the Retail and Absolute Monitoring Services with investment analysis and recommendations of start-up companies seeking angel and/or venture capital. Upon request we will help clients walk through this investment process. All recommendations will be for both retail and accredited investors.
Estate Planning - Our plan aims to preserve the maximum amount of wealth possible for the intended beneficiaries and flexibility for the individual prior to death.
The recommendations and solutions are designed to achieve the desired goals subject to periodic evaluation of the financial plan, which may require revision to meet changing circumstances. Financial plans are based on a client’s financial situation on the information provided to Stakeholder Enterprise. We should be notified promptly of any change to a client’s financial situation, goals, objectives, or needs.
All third party recommendations are unaffiliated and Stakeholder Enterprise does not receive any compensation or commissions from third parties.
Note: Information related to tax and legal consequences that is provided as part of the financial plan is for informative purposes only. Clients are instructed to contact their tax or legal advisers for personalized advice.
Stakeholder Enterprise along with its Associated Persons does not accept or receive commissions from the sale of insurance or real estate and does not accept or receive fees or other compensation from the sale of securities or other products or services recommended in the financial plan or otherwise has a conflict of interest.
Clients are under no obligation to act on the investment adviser's or associated person's recommendation.
If a client elects to act on any of the recommendations, the client is under no obligation to effect the transaction through the investment adviser or the associated person when such person is employed as an agent with a licensed broker-dealer or is licensed as a broker-dealer or through any associate or affiliate of such person.
You may choose to accept or reject our recommendations. If you decide to proceed with our recommendations, you may do so either through our investment advisory services or by using the advisory/brokerage firm of your choice.
Investment Monitoring and Consulting Services
Stakeholder Enterprise uses account aggregation technology to provide a client portal and to monitor clients financial health on a non-continual basis. We offer custom tailored recommendations to meet the needs and investment objectives of the client. Clients will be able to monitor their overall financial health daily with account aggregation technology through our client portal.
Stakeholder Enterprise does not have discretionary authority of client accounts, does not offer asset management nor wrap fee programs.
Item 5. Fees and Compensation
Fee Schedule
Financial Plan Services
On Demand Income Plan (ODIP) ...........…………………….$199 (flat fee)
Online Financial Literacy Course
Online On Demand Income Strategy Course
Online growing video library detailing the crowdlending platforms for O.D.I.P.
Custom financial and investing recommendations based on your own habits
Money management client portal
One 30 minute plan implementation meeting (clients must enter their financial information in the money management portal and fill out the crowd investor questionnaire before a meeting can occur)
Enhanced On Demand Income Plan …………………………$349 (flat fee)
(Must purchase On Demand Income Plan to be eligible for this plan)
Includes Everything in The On Demand Income Plan Plus:
An additional two 30 minute 1-on-1 advisor meetings
Unlimited email support for the 1st month
Advisor available to support in opening, funding and investing in 3rd party investment platforms as related to client’s custom On Demand Income Plan
The Crowd Investor Plan…………………………………...…….$499 (flat fee)
Includes Everything in The On Demand Income Plan Plus:
Online Crowd Investor Course
Growing Video Library Detailing Real Estate and Alternative Crowdfunding Platforms
One 45 minute plan implementation meeting (clients must enter their financial information in the money management portal and fill out the crowd investor questionnaire before a meeting can occur)
The Angel Investor Plan………………………………………….$599 (flat fee)
Includes Everything in The Crowd Investor Plan Plus:
Online Angel Investor Course
Growing Video Library Detailing Angel Investing and Equity Crowdfunding Platforms
One hour plan implementation meeting (clients must enter their financial information in the money management portal and fill out the crowd investor questionnaire before a meeting can occur)
Financial Plan Service.............................................................$699* (flat fee)
(Service available only after purchase of either On Demand Income, Enhanced On Demand Income Plan, Crowd Investor or Angel Investor Plan)
Online Financial Literacy Course
Online On Demand Income Strategy Course
Choice of 1 - Retirement, Education Savings, Large Purchase, Income Property, Estate Planning
Two 30 minute plan meetings
Two 15 minute plan checkup meetings
Additional plans are charged at a flat fee of $299*
Lower fees for comparable services may be available from other sources.
Investment Monitoring and Consulting Services
Retail Monitoring Service…………………………..……$49 monthly or $499 annually
(Service available only after purchase of the Angel Investor Plan)
Advisor quarterly monitoring clients accounts and financial health
Quarterly 1-on-1 advisor meetings
Semi-annual 30 min meeting with advisor recommendations
The Absolute Monitoring Service.………………………...……….$249 per month
(Service available only after purchase of the Angel Investor Plan)
Advisor monthly monitoring clients accounts and financial health
Monthly 1-on-1 meetings
Unlimited financial plans one at a time
We only accept payment via credit cards or Paypal at this time. Clients’ credit card information is not kept on file by Stakeholder Enterprise but by a third-party payment processor.
* An hourly fee of $150, calculated in 15-minute increments, will be applied to plans that require extraordinary time. We will provide a written estimate of costs and await your approval prior to initiating any work. A summary of activities will accompany any invoice for services provided on an hourly basis, which may include time associated with meeting preparation and follow-up activities.
Stakeholder Enterprise bills clients directly and does not deduct fees from client accounts. For further information on the Company’s brokerage practices see Item 12 of this brochure.
Fees are paid up-front and are non-negotiable including monthly fees for the Retail Monitoring Service and The Absolute Monitoring Services. Stakeholder Enterprise does not charge more than $500 in advance for services that require more than 6 months to complete. The Absolute Monitoring Service fees are paid on a month-to-month basis.
Either party may terminate the Agreement by written notice to the other. In the event the client terminates a financial plan before completion, the balance of Stakeholder Enterprise’s unearned fees (if any) shall be refunded to the client.
In the event the client terminates a monitoring service prior to the 10th day of the month, that month’s fee will be refunded in full. In the event the client terminates a monitoring service after the 10th day of the month, the client agrees to remain in the agreement for the remainder of that month. Monitoring occurs on a periodic basis not a continual one.
Additional Fees
Any service fees paid to Stakeholder Enterprise are separate from the fees and expenses charged to shareholders of mutual fund shares (or other securities) by these funds or transaction charges. A complete explanation of these expenses is available upon request and the expenses charged by the mutual funds or other securities are contained in each securities prospectus.
Stakeholder Enterprise fees are exclusive of brokerage commissions, transaction fees, and other related costs and expenses which may be incurred by the client. Clients may incur certain charges imposed by custodians, brokers, third party investment and other third parties such as fees charged by managers, custodial fees, deferred sales charges, odd-lot differentials, transfer taxes, wire transfer and electronic fund fees, and other fees and taxes on brokerage accounts and securities transactions. As noted above, mutual funds and exchange traded funds also charge internal management fees, which are disclosed in a fund’s prospectus. These charges, fees and commissions are exclusive of and in addition to Stakeholder Enterprise’s fee, and Stakeholder Enterprise shall not receive any portion of these commissions, fees, or costs.
Stakeholder Enterprise and its Associated Persons do not accept compensation for the sale of securities or other investment products.
Item 6. Performance Based Fees and Side by Side Management
Performance based fees are based on a share of capital gains on or capital appreciation of the client’s assets. Stakeholder Enterprise and its Associated Persons do not accept performance based fees.
Item 7. Types of Clients
We offer investment advisory services to individuals, trusts, estates, charitable organizations, corporations and other business entities.
There are no account minimums
Item 8. Methods of Analysis, Investment Strategies and Risk of Loss
Methods of Analysis
In formulating investment advice and managing assets, Stakeholder Enterprise analyzes economic factors such as the supply of money, various interest rates, and commodity prices to help forecast the future economic environment. This in turn guides Stakeholder Enterprise’s asset allocation decisions and the selection of investments suitable for particular investment portfolios. Political factors are considered in those areas that impact the overall economic environment.
Stakeholder Enterprise analyzes angel and/or venture capital securities by reviewing the plausibility of a home-run market opportunity, evaluating the company’s founder(s) while looking for visionary entrepreneurs and conducting a risk/reward assessment. All angel/venture securities analyzed have low minimum investment requirements and are available to both retail and accredited investors through Regulation A+ and Regulation Crowdfunding. Clients should be aware that investing in securities involves risk of loss that they should be prepared to bear. This is especially true when it comes to angel/venture investing and clients should be aware of the potential for total loss of investment.
Investment Strategies
The primary investment strategy used to implement any investment advice given to clients is asset allocation. Based on the Stakeholder Enterprise’s economic forecast and client-driven factors such as desired rate of return, aversion to risk, investment time horizon, tax consequences, and other constraints, investments are diversified across different asset classes and investment styles.
Stakeholder Enterprise uses both a monthly cash flow approach and an accumulation approach to build wealth. All clients are advised on how to increase their monthly cash flow with an on demand income strategy. This strategy uses clients leftover monthly cash flow to purchase peer to peer promissory notes that disperse amortized monthly payments. The payments can be withdrawn to increase monthly cash flow or reinvested to accumulate and compound interest.
Risk of Loss
Investing in securities involves a significant risk of loss, and all investments have certain risks that are borne by the investor. Stakeholder Enterprise’s methods of analysis and investment strategies aim to keep the risk of loss in mind.
Some of risks of loss a client should be aware of include, but are not limited, to the following:
Interest-Rate Risk: Fluctuations in interest rates may cause investment prices to fluctuate. For example, when interest rates rise, yields on existing bonds become less attractive, causing their market values to decline.
Market Risk: The price of a stock, bond, mutual fund or other security may drop in reaction to tangible and intangible events and conditions. This type of risk is caused by external factors independent of a security’s particular underlying circumstances.
Inflation Risk: When any type of inflation is present, a dollar today will not buy as much as a dollar next year, because purchasing power is eroding at the rate of inflation.
Currency Risk: Overseas investments are subject to fluctuations in the value of the dollar against the currency of the investment’s originating country. This is also referred to as exchange rate risk.
Political and Legislative Risks: Companies face a complex set of laws and circumstances in each country in which they operate. The political and legal environment can change rapidly and without warning, with significant impact, especially for companies operating outside of the United States.
Reinvestment Risk: This is the risk that future proceeds from investments may have to be reinvested at a potentially lower rate of return (i.e. interest rate). This primarily relates to fixed income securities.
Business Risk: These risks are associated with a particular industry or a particular company within an industry. For example, oil-drilling companies depend on finding oil and then refining it, a lengthy process, before they can generate a profit. They carry a higher risk of profitability than an electric company, which generates its income from a steady stream of customers who buy electricity no matter what the economic environment is like.
Liquidity Risk: Liquidity is the ability to readily convert an investment into cash. Generally, assets are more liquid if many traders are interested in a standardized product. For example, Treasury Bills are highly liquid, while real estate properties are not.
Financial Risk: Excessive borrowing to finance a business’ operations increases the risk of profitability, because the company must meet the terms of its obligations in good times and bad. During periods of financial stress, the inability to meet loan obligations may result in bankruptcy and/or a declining market value.
Item 9. Disciplinary Information
Registered investment advisers such as Stakeholder Enterprise are required to disclose all material facts regarding any legal or disciplinary event that would be material to a client’s or prospective client’s evaluation of Stakeholder Enterprise or the integrity of its management. Stakeholder Enterprise and Associated Persons have not been subject to any criminal or civil action, an administrative proceeding, or a self-regulatory organization (SRO) proceeding, and thus has no information to disclose with respect to this Item.
Item 10. Other Financial Industry Activities and Affiliations
Neither Stakeholder Enterprise, nor any Associated Persons are registered, have an application pending to register as a securities broker-dealer, a registered representative of a broker-dealer, a futures commission merchant, commodity pool operator or commodity trading advisor. Stakeholder Enterprise does not have any affiliation with any related person who is a broker-dealer, investment company, other investment advisor, financial planning firm, commodity pool operator, commodity trading adviser or futures commission merchant, banking or thrift institution, accounting firm, law firm, insurance company or agency, pension consultant, real estate broker or dealer, or an entity that creates or packages limited partnerships. Stakeholder Enterprise does not receive compensation directly or indirectly from other advisers that creates a material conflict of interest, nor does it have other business relationships with advisers that would create a material conflict of interest.
Neither Stakeholder Enterprise nor Associated Persons recommend or select other investment advisers for clients.
Item 11. Code of Ethics, Participation or Interest in Client Transactions and Personal Trading
Code of Ethics
As a fiduciary, we adhere to the highest code of ethical standards when providing advice or services to our clients. Further we define a fiduciary as one who, given all information about any particular decision or circumstance, would render for the client the same course of action they would recommend or do for themselves, as if the same set of facts would have applied. In the course of rendering financial advice we have an obligation to be honest and forthright making known any potential conflicts of interest which may adversely affect the client and to honor the confidentiality of all private information. Also as a fiduciary we are required to know and comply with the laws and regulations governing our conduct, not just with the “letter” of the law but the context “spirit” in which it was issued.
In addition we adhere to the Certified Financial Planner code of ethics and act solely in the best interest of the client. Integrity, objectivity, competence, fairness, confidentially, professionalism and diligence are all actively adhered to in our dealings with clients and other professionals. We will provide this code of ethics to any client or prospective client upon request.
Participation or Interest in Client Transactions and Personal Trading
Stakeholder Enterprise does not own or purchase securities.
The Company and Associated Persons does not participate in the purchase or sale of client securities nor will we recommend any broker-dealers to execute client trades.
Associated Persons or persons related to them may invest in securities offered under Regulation A and/or Regulation Crowdfunding.These investments may create a conflict of interest if an Associated Person recommends such a security to a client where the Associated Person or a person related to them has a material financial interest in the same security.
To address this potential conflict, we will disclose any financial interest an Associated Person or a person related to them has in a recommended Regulation A or Regulation Crowdfunding security. This disclosure will be made to the client upon the recommendation in writing via the email address last provided by the client.
All material and potential material conflicts of interest have been disclosed in this brochure.
Item 12. Brokerage Practices
Stakeholder Enterprise does not have any affiliation with product sales firms. Since Stakeholder Enterprise has no managed accounts it does not direct any brokerage, does not execute transactions, have any soft dollar relationships, nor does any order aggregation.
Stakeholder Enterprise does not recommend broker-dealers and does not have any arrangement with other broker-dealers or third parties to receive referrals from them.
Stakeholder Enterprise has in place a Business Continuity Plan (BCP) should a significant business disruption occurs, including but not limited to, death or incapacitation of the investment adviser or any of its representatives. This plan is designed to enable the Company to meet our fiduciary obligation to clients.
Item 13. Review of Accounts
Stakeholder Enterprise does not actively manage accounts. Paul Lovejoy will conduct account reviews on a periodic basis with account aggregation technology or oversee the Associated Person assigned to the account. The purpose of the reviews are to check on the overall financial health of the client.
Client accounts will be reviewed every month for the Absolute Monitoring Service and every quarter for the Retail Monitoring Service as stated in Item 5, Fees and Compensation. Clients may monitor their own accounts on a daily basis through their client portal accessing account aggregation technology.
Additional client reviews can be triggered by a specific client request. Clients will receive statements directly from their account custodian(s) on at least a quarterly basis.
Item 14. Client Referrals and Other Compensation
Stakeholder Enterprise does not receive economic benefits, does not accept referral fees or any form of remuneration from other professionals when a prospect or client is referred to us.
Stakeholder Enterprise does not compensate any person for client referrals.
Item 15. Custody
Stakeholder Enterprise does not have custody of client funds.
Clients will receive account statements at least quarterly from their qualified custodian. We urge our clients to review their account statements for accuracy as the custodial statement is the official record of your account for tax purposes.
Item 16. Investment Discretion
Stakeholder Enterprise does not accept or offer discretionary authority to manage securities accounts on behalf of clients.
Item 17. Voting Client Securities
Stakeholder Enterprise will not vote proxies on behalf of client accounts. Although, at the client’s request, Stakeholder Enterprise may offer clients advice regarding corporate actions and the exercise of proxy voting rights and/or materials.
Questions about proxies may be made via the contact information on the cover page.
Item 18. Financial Information
Registered investment advisors are required in some cases to provide certain financial information and or disclosures about their financial condition. For example, if Stakeholder Enterprise required clients to prepay more than $500 in advisory fees six months or more in advance, had a financial condition that was reasonably likely to impair its ability to meets it contractual commitments to its clients, or had been the subject of a bankruptcy petition during the past ten (10) years, it would be required to include certain financial information and make disclosures. However, none of these factors are applicable to Stakeholder Enterprise, so no such disclosures are necessary.
Item 19. Requirements for State-Registered Advisers
The sole Principal Executive Officer, Chief Compliance Officer and Manager is Paul Lovejoy DOB 1/10/76.
Educational Background
Iona College, Hagan School of Business, Bachelor of Business Administration, International Business Emphasis 2002
Business Background
President and Managing Member, Lovejoy’s Properties, LLC 11/2002 - Present
Wealth/Financial Coach, Tardus Wealth Strategies 11/2017-11/2019
Licensed Real Estate Agent, Century 21 Goodyear Green 10/2011-12/2016
Outside Business Activities
Paul Lovejoy is the President and Managing Member of the investment company Lovejoy’s Properties, LLC, financially benefiting immediate family members only. Any activity or time spent on this business works in conjunction with Stakeholder Enterprise and our investment advisory services.
Performance Based Fees
Performance based fees are based on a share of capital gains on or capital appreciation of the client’s assets. Stakeholder Enterprise and its Associated Persons do not accept performance based fees.
Disciplinary Information
Stakeholder Enterprise and our management persons have not been involved in any reportable disciplinary events.
Other Relationships or Arrangements With Issuers of Securities
Stakeholder Enterprise and our related persons do not have any relationships or arrangements with any issuer of securities.
Other - Privacy Policy
Stakeholder Enterprise is committed to maintaining the confidentiality, integrity and security of the personal information that is entrusted to us.
Stakeholder Enterprise does not disclose any nonpublic personal information about its customers or former customers to any nonaffiliated third parties, except as permitted by law. In the course of servicing a client account, Stakeholder Enterprise may share some information with its service providers, such as transfer agents, custodians, broker-dealers, accountants, and lawyers.
Stakeholder Enterprise restricts internal access to nonpublic personal information about its clients to those employees who need to know that information in order to provide products or services to the client. Stakeholder Enterprise maintains physical and procedural safeguards that comply with state and federal standards to guard a client’s nonpublic personal information and ensure its integrity and confidentiality. As emphasized above, it has always been and will always be the firm’s policy never to sell information about current or former customers or their accounts to anyone. It is also the firm’s policy not to share information unless required to process a transaction, at the request of the client, or as required by law.
Velocity of Money, LLC
Doing Business As
Stakeholder Enterprise
1003 Bishop Street Suite 2700
Honolulu, HI 96813
United States
(808) 427-5711
Form ADV Part 2B - Individual Disclosure Brochure
Paul Lovejoy
Personal CRD#: 7477274
Investment Adviser Representative
This brochure supplement provides information about Paul Lovejoy that supplements the Velocity of Money, LLC brochure. You should have received a copy of that brochure. Please contact Paul Lovejoy if you did not receive Velocity of Money, LLC’s brochure or if you have any questions about the contents of this supplement. Additional information about Paul Lovejoy is available on the SEC’s website at www.adviserinfo.sec.gov.
Item 2. Educational Background and Business Experience
Educational Background
Iona College, Hagan School of Business, Bachelor of Business Administration, International Business Emphasis 2002
Business Experience
President and Sole Member, Velocity of Money, LLC 11/2021 - Present
President and Managing Member, Lovejoy’s Properties, LLC 11/2002 - Present
Wealth/Financial Coach, Tardus Wealth Strategies 11/2017-11/2019
Licensed Real Estate Agent, Century 21 Goodyear Green 10/2011-12/2016
Item 3. Disciplinary Information
There are no legal, civil or disciplinary events to disclose. Paul Lovejoy has never been involved in any regulatory, civil or criminal action. There have been no client complaints, lawsuits, arbitration claims or administrative proceedings against Paul Lovejoy.
Item 4. Other Business Activities
Paul Lovejoy is the President and Managing Member of the investment company Lovejoy’s Properties, LLC, financially benefiting immediate family members only.
Item 5. Additional Compensation
Paul Lovejoy does not receive any economic benefit from any person, company or organization, other than Stakeholder Enterprise in exchange for providing clients with advisory services through Stakeholder Enterprise.
Item 6. Supervision
As the Chief Compliance Officer of Stakeholder Enterprise, Paul Lovejoy supervises all activities of the firm. Paul Lovejoy adheres to the Firm’s Code of Ethics and follows applicable federal and state laws that address self-supervision. Paul Lovejoy’s contact information is on the cover page of this disclosure document.
Item 7. Requirements For State-Registered Advisers
Paul Lovejoy has not been involved in any arbitration claims, civil proceedings, self-regulatory organization (SRO) proceedings, or administrative proceedings. Paul Lovejoy has never been the subject of a bankruptcy petition.